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Writer's pictureBenjamin Arias

Latin American Artificial Intelligence Index (ILIA) maintains Chile as leader in the region (27 sep 2024)

The Latin American Artificial Intelligence Index (ILIA) ranks Latin American and Caribbean countries based on their readiness for artificial intelligence (AI). Chile secured first place in the index this year, followed by Brazil and Uruguay. The article also analyzes the challenges and opportunities that the region faces in terms of AI. Latin American countries have made significant progress in the development of AI in recent years.


Brazil and Uruguay are also leading countries in AI. Brazil has a large database and a strong technology industry. Uruguay has a government committed to promoting AI and an economy open to foreign investment.


However, there is still much to be done for the region to compete with countries in the global North. Chile is a regional leader in terms of investment in technological infrastructure, training programs, and support policies. It also has a strong startup ecosystem and an active academic community.


Other countries in the region, such as Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico, are also making progress in AI. However, these countries face challenges such as a lack of investment, a lack of talent, and a lack of regulation. AI has the potential to transform the economy and society of Latin America and the Caribbean. However, it is important for the countries in the region to address the challenges they face to take full advantage of this technology.

Source: Cepal

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